Videos of Rift: Planes of Telara.
Vidéos du 26 Avril 2010[ | ]
- (OFFICIAL)Rift Unveil video - Trion 720p mp4
- (OFFICIAL)Telara, Nexus of the Planes - Developer video - Trion 720p mp4
- G4TV Interview with Scott Hartsman about Rift - G4TV
- (Gametrailers) Interview with Scott Hartsman about the Rift unveiling - Gametrailers
- Scott Hartsman talking about Rift: Planes of Telara - Youtube
Vidéos de l'E3 2010[ | ]
- (OFFICIAL) E3 2010 Video - We are the Defiant - Youtube
- (OFFICIAL) E3 2010 Video - We are the Defiant - Trion 720p WMV
- (Gametrailers) E3 2010 Gameplay video - Gametrailers HD
- (GamingWeez) Character Creation video - Youtube
- (GamingWeez) Rift Gameplay video - Youtube
- (ZAM) Zam E3 2010 Video - Youtube HD
- (GohaMedia) E3 2010 Demo Video - Youtube HD
- (LoreHound) E3 2010 Gameplay Video - Youtube HD
- Rift Gameplay, Soul trees, mounts and more - Youtube
- Rift Gameplay featuring mounts - Youtube HD
- Adam Gershowitz 8 minute demo - Youtube HD
- Defiant Lore Lead (Lindsay Morgan Lockhart) interview - Youtube
- 'Asha' presents Rift at E3 2010 - Youtube
- 'Asha' presents Rift (again) at E3 2010 - Youtube HD
- (G4TV) E3 2010 Interview with Russ Brown - G4TV
- Simon Ffinch Walkthrough/Demo at E3 2010 - Youtube HD
Vidéos post E3[ | ]
- (Massively) Developer Diary on the class system - Viddler
- (Official) Death Rifts Flythrough Video - Trion assets
- (Official) Gloamwood Flythrough Video - Youtube HD
- (Official) Darkening Deeps Flythrough Video - Youtube HD