
This list is for the Archon abilities and traits.

All mana, damage and healing numbers are for rank 1 of the spell only.

Branch Advancement[]

Icon Name Ranks Points Mana Range Casting Cooldown Description
Blood Pact Blood Pact 0/2 Reduces the amount of Endurance Shared Vigor removes from you by (25/50)%, and increases the Endurance buff your allies receive from Shared Vigor by (10/20)%.
Favored Ally Favored Ally 0/3 Instant Increases the radius of your Archon buff auras by 5 meters and reduces their cast time by (33/66/100)%.
Soul Fire Soul Fire 0/5 Instant Increases your Fire damage by (1/2/3/4/5)%.
Exhilaration Exhilaration 0/5 5 Instant Your spell critical hits return (0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5)% of your maximum mana.
Strength of Stone Strength of Stone 0/3 5 Increases the benefit you receive from each stack of Pillaging Stone by (20/40/60)%. Increases the Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Wisdom bonuses your allies gain from your Vitality of Stone by (10/20/30)%.
Flowing Sand Flowing Sand 0/1 5 16 30 Instant 2 minutes Drains the movement speed from the enemy, reducing their movement speed by 50% and increasing the movement speed of the Mage by 25% for 15 seconds.
Altruist Altruist 0/2 10 Instant Reduces the mana cost of your abilities by (2/4)% for each Archon aura you have active.
Leeching Flames Leeching Flames 0/1 10 3% 30 Instant 30 seconds Engulfs the enemy in flames, dealing 10% of the Mage's maximum Mana in Fire damage over 12 seconds. Returns 10% of the Mage's maximum Mana over 12 seconds.
Martyr's Solace Martyr's Solace 0/3 10 Increases the damage absorbed by your Consuming Flames by (2/4/6)% of your maximum Health.
Rising Vengeance Rising Vengeance 0/5 20 Instant Increases the damage done by all of your Archon damaging abilities by (3/6/9/12/15)%.
Speed in Numbers Speed in Numbers 0/2 15 Passive Reduces the cast time of your spells by (1/2)% for each Archon aura you have active. Requires Altruist.
Empowered Aegis Empowered Aegis 0/3 15 Increases the resistance bonus provided to you from your Crumbling Resistance and the resistance bonus provided to your group members by your Arcane Aegis by (10/20/30)%.
Rock Slide Rock Slide 0/1 15 30 channeled 30 seconds Channels a hail of rock onto the enemy, dealing 96 to 100 Earth damage over 6 seconds. Places a stack of Rock Slide on the Mage each second, increasing their Intelligence by 4 per stack. Max 6 stacks. Consumes Charge while channeled.
Mental Flare Mental Flare 0/1 20 31 35 Instant 5 minutes Returns 30% of the Mage's maximum mana over 10 seconds.
Rising Vengeance Rising Vengeance 0/5 20 Passive Increases the damage done by all of your Archon damaging abilities by 3/6/9/12/15%.
Efficiency Efficiency 0/5 15 Instant Reduces the mana cost of your Archon buff auras by (10/20/30/40/50)%.
Healing Flames Healing Flames 0/2 20 Increases the healing bonus provided by each stack of your Lava Field by (1/2)%.
Swift Thoughts Swift Thoughts 0/2 25 Instant Reduces the cooldown on Mental Flare by (90 seconds/3 minutes). Requires Mental Flare.
Power in Numbers Power in Numbers 0/2 25 Instant Increases your spell damage and healing by (2/4)% for each Archon aura you have active. Requires Speed in Numbers.
Earthen Barrage Earthen Barrage 0/1 25 47 30 2 seconds 15 seconds Hurls earthen missiles at the enemy, dealing 95 to 99 Earth damage. Group and raid members within 35 meters have their melee and spell critical hit chance increased by 5% for 15 seconds. +15 Charge.
Waning Power Waning Power 0/1 30 40 30 Instant 3 minutes Drains the strength from the enemy, reducing their attack power and spell power by 5% and increasing the Mage's spell power by 10% for 60 seconds.
Purging Flames Purging Flames 0/1 25 Your Cleansing Flames spell removes 1 buff from up to 10 enemies within the targeted area.

Root Advancement[]

Icon Name Points Mana Charge Range Casting Cooldown Description
Tempored Armor Tempored Armor 10 4 3 seconds Reduces the Mage's armor value by 158 and increases the armor value of group and raid members within 20 meters by 158. Lasts 5 minutes.
Volcanic Bomb Volcanic Bomb 16 71 30 2 seconds 15 seconds Launches an explosive volcanic stone at the enemy, causing 44 to 47 Earth damage instantly and 39 Fire damage over 6 seconds. Allies within 35 meters of the Mage have their damage increased by 5% for 10 seconds.
Cleansing Flames Cleansing Flames 20 8% 35 2 seconds Unleashes swirling flames around the Mage, removing 1 Curse effect from up to 10 group and raid members within the targeted area.
Burning Purpose Burning Purpose 51 6% 3 seconds Reduces the Mage's melee and casting speed by 10%, and increases the melee and casting speed of group and raid members within 20 meters by 10%. Deals 40 to 43 Fire damage to the enemy when the Mage casts a debuff on them. Lasts 5 minutes. Damage is not triggered by Polymorph, Confuse, Root or Fear abilities. Damage cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds.
Lingering Dust Lingering Dust 44 26 30 Instant Reduces the melee and casting speed of the enemy by 25% for 20 seconds, and increases the melee and casting speed of the Mage by 10% for 5 minutes.
Shared Vigor Shared Vigor 4 28 3 seconds Reduces the Mage's Endurance by 10 and increases the Endurance of group members within 20 meters by 5. Lasts 5 minutes.
Searing Vitality Searing Vitality 11 30 Instant Boils the enemy's blood, causing 32 Fire damage over 10 seconds. Places a stack of Searing Vitality on the Mage each second increasing their Endurance by 1 per stack. Max 5 stacks. 5 minute buff duration.
Crumbling Resistance Crumbling Resistance 14 24 30 Instant Erodes the magical defenses of the enemy, increasing the magical damage they take by 7% for 5 minutes, and increasing the Mage's Life, Death and Elemental resistances by 15 for 5 minutes.
Lava Field Lava Field 18 84 25 2 seconds 90 seconds Calls magma from the earth, burning up to 10 enemies within the affected area for 82 Fire damage over 6 seconds. Allies within the lava field receive a stack of the Lava Field buff each second, which increases the effect of the next healing spell to land on them by 1% per stack. Max 5 stacks. Each incoming healing spell will remove a stack of the buff.
Rock Slide Rock Slide 10 30 channeled 30 seconds Channels a hail of rock onto the enemy, dealing 96 to 100 Earth damage over 6 seconds. Places a stack of Rock Slide on the Mage each second, increasing their Intelligence by 4 per stack. Max 6 stacks. Consumes Charge while channeled.
Waning Power Waning Power 40 30 Instant 3 minutes Drains the strength from the enemy, reducing their attack power and spell power by 5% and increasing the Mage's spell power by 10% for 60 seconds.
Flowing Sand Flowing Sand 16 30 Instant 2 minutes Drains the movement speed from the enemy, reducing their movement speed by 50% and increasing the movement speed of the Mage by 25% for 15 seconds.
Mental Flare Mental Flare 31 35 Instant 5 minutes Returns 30% of the Mage's maximum mana over 10 seconds.
Arcane Aegis Arcane Aegis 26 71 3 seconds Reduces the Mage's Life, Death and Elemental resistances by 20, and increases the Life, Death and Elemental resistances of group and raid members within 20 meters by 20. Lasts 5 minutes.
Purification Purification 8 3% 35 1.5 minutes Searing flames cleanse the ally, removing up to 2 Curse effects.
Power Drain Power Drain 12 1 30 Instant Reduces the enemy's damage by 10%, and increases the Mage's damage by 10%. Consumes Charge while active. Charge cannot be gained while active. Does not trigger a global cooldown.
Surging Flare Surging Flare 38 63 30 2 seconds 10 seconds Throws a bolt of fire at the enemy, causing 164 to 169 Fire damage. Allies within 35 meters have the casting time of their spells reduced by 5% for 6 seconds.
Consuming Flames Consuming Flames 6 18 30 Instant 30 seconds Shields an ally with flames for up to 30 seconds, absorbing up to 160 damage.
Earthen Barrage Earthen Barrage 47 30 2 seconds 15 seconds Hurls earthen missiles at the enemy, dealing 95 to 99 Earth damage. Group and raid members within 35 meters have their melee and spell critical hit chance increased by 5% for 15 seconds.
Leeching Flames Leeching Flames 3% 30 instant 30 seconds Engulfs the enemy in flames, dealing 10% of the Mage's maximum Mana in Fire damage over 12 seconds. Returns 10% of the Mage's maximum Mana over 12 seconds.
Vitality of Stone Vitality of Stone 20 60 3 seconds Reduces the Mage's Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Wisdom by 15, and increases the Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Wisdom of group and raid members within 20 meters by 10. Lasts 5 minutes.
Flaring Power Flaring Power 32 1 instant 3 minutes Increase the Attack Power and Spell Power of all raid and party members by 15% for up to 20 seconds. Consumes Charge while active. Affected allies become Battle Weary and cannot benefit from Call to Arms or Flaring Power again for 5 minutes.
Ashen Defense Ashen Defense 2 12 30 instant 5 minutes Drains the defenses of the enemy, increasing the Physical damage they take by 5% and increasing the caster's armor value by 93.
Pillaging Stone Pillaging Stone 14 30 2 seconds Hurls a large stone missile at the enemy, causing 25 to 27 Earth damage and reducing their Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom and Intelligence by 5. Places a stack of Pillaging Stone on the Mage, increasing their Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom and Intelligence by 1 per stack for 5 minutes. Max 5 stacks.
