
This list is for the Assassin abilities and traits.

All mana, damage and healing numbers are for rank 1 of the spell only.

Branch Advancement[]

Icon Name Ranks Points Energy Range Type Cooldown Description
Ruthlessness Ruthlessness 0/5 instant Increases your Critical Hit chance by (1/2/3/4/5)%.
Improved Final Blow Improved Final Blow 0/3 instant Increases the damage of your Final Blow by (5/10/15)%.
Improved Savage Strike Improved Savage Strike 0/2 instant Increases Critical Hit chance of your Savage Strike by (5/10)%.
Serrated Blades Serrated Blades 0/3 5 instant Your Critical Hit attacks with melee weapons cause the target to bleed for (33/66/100)% of your weapon's damage over 6 seconds. Can be applied up to 3 times.
Puncture Puncture 0/1 5 40 3 instant 10 seconds A vicious attack that ignores your enemy's Armor, deals weapon plus 8 to 10 Physical damage, and causes the enemy to bleed for 21 damage over 10 seconds. Awards 2 Combo Points.
Murderous Intent Murderous Intent 0/2 5 instant Increases your Physical damage by (2/4)%.
Cruel Vengeance Cruel Vengeance 0/5 10 instant Your Critical Hit attacks increase your damage by (2/4/6/8/10)% for 10 seconds.
Foul Play Foul Play 0/1 20 20 3 instant 30 seconds Executes an unfair maneuver that stuns the enemy for 4 seconds.
Silent Footsteps Silent Footsteps 0/2 10 instant Increases the difficulty of detecting you while stealthing by (15/30)% and increases your movement speed while stealthing by (15/30)%.
Magnify Pain Magnify Pain 0/2 15 instant Increases your Critical Hit damage and healing bonus by (10/20)%.
Double Cross Double Cross 0/3 15 Your Savage Strike, Puncture and Final Blow deal (5/10/15)% more damage if you attack the enemy from behind.
Backstab Backstab 0/1 15 30 3 instant 6 seconds Attacks the enemy from behind, dealing weapon plus 66 to 71 Physical damage. Must be behind the enemy. An additional 100% damage bonus from Attack Power is applied to this attack. Awards 1 Combo Point.
Poison Potency Poison Potency 0/3 15 instant Increases the damage your Poison abilities deal by (5/10/15)%.
Subterfuge Subterfuge 0/2 20 instant Increases the damage of your Assassinate, Paralyzing Strike and Jagged Strike by (10/20)%. They also have a (50/100)% chance of gaining an additional Combo Point on the enemy.
Improved Stealth Improved Stealth 0/1 20 instant Your Stealth now lasts until cancelled.
Poison Mastery Poison Mastery 0/5 20 instant Increases the chance your Poison-coated weapons apply Poison to your enemy by (2/4/6/8/10)%.
Physical Trauma Physical Trauma 0/2 25 instant Increases the duration of your Puncture, Jagged Strike and Impale by (4/8) seconds. Your Impale causes targets to take an additional (15/30)% damage from your Final Blow.
Advanced Flanking Advanced Flanking 0/2 25 instant Increases the Critical Hit chance of Backstab by (3/6)%. Increases the Critical Hit chance of Assassinate, Jagged Strike and Paralyzing Strike by (25/50)%.
Enduring Brew Enduring Brew 0/1 25 instant 6 seconds The Rogue drinks a concoction of dangerous substances which heals for 283 hit points, but causes the Rogue to be poisoned for 165 Poison damage over 12 seconds. This poison effect is applied up to 5 times with repeated consumption and reduces the healing effectiveness by 20% per effect.
Slip Away Slip Away 0/1 30 instant 2 minutes The Rogue completely disappears from sight and becomes immune to all damage effects for 3 seconds. This also removes Snares and Roots. This ability does not trigger global cooldown. Requires Improved Stealth
Blinding Powder Blinding Powder 0/1 10 20 instant 1 minute The Rogue throws sand at the enemy's eyes, causing the enemy to be confused for 10 seconds. Any damage on the enemy removes the effect.
Cloak and Dagger Cloak and Dagger 0/3 5 instant After using Assassinate, Paralyzing Strike or Jagged Strike, you deal (5/10/15)% more damage and take (5/10/15)% less damage for 10 seconds.

Root Advancement[]

Icon Name Points Energy Range Type Cooldown Description
Incapacitate Incapacitate 6 20 3 instant Incapacitates the enemy for 45 seconds. Enemy must not be in combat. Any damage on the enemy removes the effect. Only 1 enemy can be incapacitated at a time. This attack does not take the Rogue out of stealth.
Blinding Powder Blinding Powder 20 instant 1 minute The Rogue throws sand at the enemy's eyes, causing the enemy to be confused for 10 seconds. Any damage on the enemy removes the effect.
Enduring Brew Enduring Brew instant 6 seconds The Rogue drinks a concoction of dangerous substances which heals for 283 hit points, but causes the Rogue to be poisoned for 165 Poison damage over 12 seconds. This poison effect is applied up to 5 times with repeated consumption and reduces the healing effectiveness by 20% per effect.
Savage Strike Savage Strike 30 3 instant A brutal attack that deals weapon plus 7 to 9 Physical damage. Awards 1 Combo Point.
Paralyzing Strike Paralyzing Strike 16 50 3 instant A Poison attack that deals weapon plus 37 to 40 Water damage and stuns the enemy for 4 seconds. Awards 2 Combo Points.
Elusiveness Elusiveness 10 instant 15 seconds Greatly reduces the Rogue's chance of being detected while stealthing for 5 seconds. This ability does not trigger global cooldown.
Debilitating Poison Debilitating Poison 38 instant The Rogue coats their weapons in Poisons, and each weapon attack has a 20% chance to deal an additional 33 Water damage and increase the Energy, Power and Mana cost of any ability the enemy uses by 25% for 15 seconds. Only 2 weapon enchantments can be applied at a time.
Puncture Puncture 40 3 instant 10 seconds A vicious attack that ignores your enemy's Armor, deals weapon plus 8 to 10 Physical damage, and causes the enemy to bleed for 21 damage over 10 seconds. Awards 2 Combo Points.
Impale Impale 32 40 3 instant A Finisher that causes the enemy to bleed for weapon plus Physical damage over 16 seconds. Energy Cost is reduced with more Combo Points. Damage bonus from Attack Power is increased with more Combo Points.
  • 1 Point: 138 damage
  • 2 Points: 229 damage
  • 3 Points: 322 damage
  • 4 Points: 368 damage
  • 5 Points: 460 damage
Leeching Poison Leeching Poison 20 instant The Rogue coats their weapons in Poisons, and each weapon attack has a 20% chance to deal an additional 20 Water damage and heals the Rogue for 33 hit points. Lasts 1 hour. Only 2 weapon enchantments can be applied at a time.
Assassinate Assassinate 4 50 3 instant A devastating attack that deals weapon plus 69 to 72 Physical damage. Must be behind the enemy. An additional 100% damage bonus from Attack Power is applied to this attack. Awards 2 Combo Points.
Lethal Poison Lethal Poison 8 instant The Rogue coats their weapons in Poisons, and each weapon attack has a 20% chance to deal an additional 11 Water damage and increase the Critical Hit chance against the enemy by 5% for 15 seconds. Lasts 1 hour. Only 2 weapon enchantments can be applied at a time.
Baneful Touch Baneful Touch 14 40 3 instant A Finisher that deals weapon plus Water damage and increases the Poison damage of the Rogue's Poison-coated weapons by 50%. Duration is increased with more Combo Points. Energy Cost is reduced with more Combo Points. Damage bonus from Attack Power is increased with more Combo Points.
  • 1 Point: 35 damage, 12 seconds
  • 2 Points: 58 damage, 24 seconds
  • 3 Points: 82 damage, 36 seconds
  • 4 Points: 94 damage, 48 seconds
  • 5 Points: 118 damage, 60 seconds
Jagged Strike Jagged Strike 26 40 3 instant Stabs the enemy, causing the enemy to bleed for weapon plus 265 Physical damage over 10 seconds. An additional 100% damage bonus from Attack Power is applied to this attack. Awards 2 Combo Points.
Slip Away Slip Away instant 2 minutes The Rogue completely disappears from sight and becomes immune to all damage effects for 3 seconds. This also removes Snares and Roots. This ability does not trigger global cooldown.
Poison Malice Poison Malice 18 25 instant 2 minutes Increases the Poison damage from Poison-coated weapons by 100% and deals 15 Water damage to enemies who attack the Rogue at melee range. Lasts 15 seconds. This ability does not trigger global cooldown.
Expose Weakness Expose Weakness 10 20 20 instant Causes the enemy to take an additional 5 Physical damage from the Rogue's Physical attacks and Bleeds. This effect occurs up to 20 times within 20 seconds. This ability does not break stealth.
Poison Gas Poison Gas 44 20 instant 30 seconds Discharges a cloud of poisonous gas, causing enemies within 7 meters to be confused for 6 seconds. Damage removes the effect.
Foul Play Foul Play 20 3 instant 30 seconds Executes an unfair maneuver that stuns the enemy for 4 seconds.
Final Blow Final Blow 2 40 3 instant A Finisher that deals weapon plus Physical damage. Energy Cost is reduced with more Combo Points. Damage bonus from Attack Power is increased with more Combo Points.
  • 1 Point: 15 damage
  • 2 Points: 26 damage
  • 3 Points: 37 damage
  • 4 Points: 42 damage
  • 5 Points: 53 damage
Serpent Strike Serpent Strike 51 20 3 instant 8 seconds A venomous attack that deals weapon plus 285 to 290 Water damage. An additional 100% damage bonus from Attack Power is applied to this attack. Usable after dealing a Critical Hit. This ability is not affected by global cooldown. Awards 1 Combo Point.
Virulent Poison Virulent Poison instant The Rogue coats their weapons in Poisons, and each weapon attack has a 20% chance to deal an additional 11 Water damage. Lasts 1 hour. Only 2 weapon enchantments can be applied at a time.
Malicious Strike Malicious Strike 12 20 3 instant Cripples the enemy with a Poison attack, dealing weapon plus 16 to 19 Water damage and reducing movement speed by 70% for 8 seconds.
Hidden Veil Hidden Veil 40 instant 1 minute When activated, the breaking of stealth caused by any damage taken is delayed by 15 seconds.
Stealth Stealth 4 instant 10 seconds The Rogue is hidden from enemies for 30 seconds. While hidden, movement speed is reduced by 30%. This ability can only be used when out of combat. Any attacks made cancel the effect.
Backstab Backstab 30 3 instant 6 seconds Attacks the enemy from behind, dealing weapon plus 66 to 71 Physical damage. Must be behind the enemy. An additional 100% damage bonus from Attack Power is applied to this attack. Awards 1 Combo Point.