
Branch Advancement[]

Icon Name Ranks Points Energy Range Type Cooldown Description
Natural Instincts Natural Instincts 0/5 0 Passive Increases the damage bonus that Fierce Strike gives to your pet by 2/4/6/8/10%.
Survival of the Fittest Survival of the Fittest 0/5 0 Passive Chance to hit is increased by 1/2/3/4/5%.
Backhanded Blow Backhanded Blow 0/1 5 10 Melee Instant 6 sec. When the Warrior misses their enemy they swing their weapon back around to do 120% of weapon plus 7 to 8 Physical damage, in addition to 33 over the next 10 seconds. Must be used after missing an opponent, cannot be parried, dodged, and cannot miss. This ability is not affected by the global cooldown.
Iron Bonds Iron Bonds 0/5 5 Passive Enhance the bonus of all Bonds by 6/12/18/24/30%.
Primal Fury Primal Fury 0/5 5 Passive Pet critical hit chance is increased by 1/2/3/4/5%.
Tenacious Wounds Tenacious Wounds 0/2 10 Passive Bleed damage is increased by 2%/4%.
Bond of Alacrity Bond of Alacrity 0/1 10 10 Instant 10 sec. Take on the speed of the Primal Companion, enhancing out of combat movement speed by 10%.
Agile Footwork Agile Footwork 0/5 10 Passive Reduce duration of movement impairing effects by 10/20/30/40/50%.
Shared Bonds Shared Bonds 0/1 15 Passive Bond spells affect all party members.
Requires Iron Bonds Rank 5
Protective Instincts Protective Instincts 0/1 15 10 Instant The Primal companion alerts those around it of unseen threats, increasing the stealth detection of any nearby allies.
Strike to Maim Strike to Maim 0/5 15 Passive Melee critical hits inflicted by you and your pet also deal 20/40/60/80/100% of your strength or your pet's strength over 8 seconds.
Pack Mentality Pack Mentality (trait) 0/3 20 Passive Increases you and your pet's maximum Health by 4/8/12% and melee damage by 2/4/6% while your pet is active.
Summon Greater Primal Companion Summon Greater Primal Companion 0/1 20 50 8 sec. Summon a companion from the deep wilds.
Primal Senses Primal Senses 0/3 20 Passive Increases stealth detection by 1/2/3 levels.
Kinship Kinship 0/1 25 30 Instant 10 sec. The Warrior calls upon their Primal Companion's bond to heal themselves and their companion 114 health.
Improved Protective Instincts Improved Protective Instincts 0/3 25 Passive All allies within the radius of Protective Instincts have stun durations reduced by 10/20/30%.
Requires Protective Instincts, Rank 1
Ties that Bind Ties that Bind 0/3 25 Passive Increases your pet's maximum health by 10/20/30%.
Spoils of the Hunt Spoils of the Hunt 0/1 30 10 35 m Instant 1.5 min. Attacks made by the Primal Companion for the next 12 seconds heal the Warrior and the Primal Companion:
1 Point: 50% damage converted to healing.
2 Points: 100% damage converted to healing.
3 Points: 150% damage converted to healing.

Root Advancement[]

Icon Name Points Energy Range Cast Cooldown Description
Summon Lesser Primal Companion Summon Lesser Primal Companion 0 50 8 sec. Summons a companion from the deep wilds.
Dismiss Pet Dismiss Pet 0 Instant Dismiss your Pet.
Fierce Strike Fierce Strike 0 20 Melee Instant Attack that deals weapon plus 9 to 11 Physical damage, in addition to increasing pet attack ability damage on the enemy by 20% for 12 seconds. This ability grants 1 Attack Point.
Requires Melee Weapon
Tearing Slash Tearing Slash 2 10 Melee Instant Slash an enemy for weapon plus Physical damage, in addition to Physical damage over 10 seconds:
1 Point: 100% of weapon plus 11 damage, 13 Bleed damage.
2 Points: 120% of weapon plus 18 damage, 23 Bleed damage.
3 Points: 140% of weapon plus 26 damage, 32 Bleed damage.
Requires Melee Weapon
Primal Recovery Primal Recovery 4 30 35 m Instant 10 sec. Heals the Primal Companion 187 Health over 8 seconds.
Bond of Might Bond of Might 8 10 Instant 15 sec. Take on the strength of the Primal Companion, increasing Strength by 7.
Protective Companion Protective Companion 10 10 30 m Instant 15 sec. Order the Primal Companion to take a defensive stance, increasing its armor by 20%, its maximum health by 20%, and the threat generation of all attacks. While active, attacks have special properties; Bite will reduce the damage that the enemy does by 5% per Bleed effect on the enemy, and Pounce will force the enemy to attack the Companion for 3 seconds. All group and raid members within 25 meters have their armor increased by 10%. Damage done by the Primal Companion is lowered by 20%.
Flesh Rip Flesh Rip 12 20 Melee Instant 6 sec. Follow up a critical hit from the Primal Companion to inflict a messy wound that deals weapon plus 9 to 11 Physical damage, in addition to causing them to bleed for another 65 Physical damage over 10 seconds.
Requires Melee Weapon
Slashing Strike Slashing Strike 14 25 Melee Instant 6 sec. Strike up to three enemies in front of the Warrior for 26 to 28 Physical damage, in addition to causing them to bleed for another 51 Physical damage over 10 seconds. This ability grants 1 Attack Point.
Bond of Feline Grace Bond of Feline Grace 18 10 Instant 10 sec. Take on the dexterity of the Primal Companion, enhancing Dexterity by 14.
Enraged Companion Enraged Companion 20 10 35 m Instant 15 sec. Order the Primal Companion to take an offensive stance, increasing its damage by 20%. While active, attacks have special properties; Bite will increase the damage that the enemy takes by 5%, and Pounce will force the enemy to be snared for 3 seconds. All nearby allies have their damage increased by 10%. Armor and health of the Primal Companion are lowered by 20%.
Feral Sweep Feral Sweep 26 25 Melee Instant 6 sec. Slash all nearby enemies for weapon plus Physical damage, in addition to Physical damage over 10 seconds:
1 Point: 100% of weapon plus 43 damage, 49 Bleed damage.
2 Points: 120% of weapon plus 75 damage, 85 Bleed damage.
3 Points: 140% of weapon plus 107 damage, 122 Bleed damage.
Diversion Strike Diversion Strike 32 20 Melee Instant 30 sec. Melee attack that deals weapon plus 49 to 53 Physical damage, in addition to giving allies an increased 10% critical hit chance for 5 seconds. This ability grants 1 Attack Point.
Requires Melee Weapon
Bond of Vigor Bond of Vigor 38 10 Instant 10 sec. Take on the endurance of the Primal Companion, enhancing Endurance by 28.
Calming Influence Calming Influence 44 20 20 m Instant 30 sec. Puts a single enemy to sleep for 10 seconds.
Fight as One Fight as One 51 10 Instant 1 min. Increases the melee damage, hit chance, and critical hit chance of the Warrior and Primal Companion for 10 seconds:
1 Point: +5%, +7%, +7%.
2 Points: +10%, +15%, +15%.
3 Points: +20%, +30%, +30%.
