
This list is for the Bladedancer abilities and traits.

All mana, damage and healing numbers are for rank 1 of the spell only.

Branch Advancement[]

Icon Name Ranks Points Energy Range Cast Cooldown Description
Quick Reflexes Quick Reflexes 0/5 instant Increases your Dodge chance by (1/2/3/4/5)%.
Combat Expertise Combat Expertise 0/5 5 instant Increases your Hit rating by (5/10/15/20/25).
Strike Back Strike Back 0/2 5 instant You have a (50/100)% chance to strike back at your enemy with both weapons when you dodge an attack.
Reprisal Reprisal 0/1 5 10 3 instant 6 seconds A powerful attack that deals weapon plus 23 to 26 Physical damage. This attack never misses, and cannot be parried or dodged. Usable after parrying or dodging an enemy's attack. This ability is not affected by global cooldown. Awards 1 Combo Point.
Blade and Fury Blade and Fury 0/2 5 Your Quick Strike and Precision Strike increases the damage of your next Keen Strike by (5/10)%
Deadly Dance Deadly Dance 0/3 10 instant Your Deadly Strike increases the damage of your next 3 Combo Point generating abilities by (7/14/21)% per Combo Point.
Sprint Sprint 0/1 10 instant 2 minutes Performs a Rhythmic footwork that increases movement speed by 70% for 15 seconds. This causes the Rogue to be exhausted for 30 seconds.
Blade Finesse Blade Finesse 0/5 Increases the Attack Power bonus of your Deadly Strike by (5/10/15/20/25)%.
Ambidextrous Ambidextrous 0/5 10 instant Increases your Dexterity by (3/6/9/12/15)%.
Blade Tempo Blade Tempo 0/1 15 25 instant 2 minutes The Rogue brandishes their blades with a Rhythm, increasing Physical damage by 30% for 15 seconds. This causes the Rogue to be exhausted for 30 seconds. This ability does not trigger global cooldown.
Combat Culmination Combat Culmination 0/3 15 instant Whenever your current Combo Point target is killed, unused Combo Points are refunded at 5 Energy per Combo Point and your Critical Hit, Hit, Dodge and Parry chance are increased by (1/2/3/4/5)% for 30 seconds.
Combat Efficiency Combat Efficiency 0/3 15 instant Your Finishers give you (1/2/3) Energy per Combo Point.
Improved False Blade Improved False Blade 0/2 20 Your False Blade increases Parry chance by (3/6)%.
Contra Tempo Contra Tempo 0/2 20 instant Whenever you parry or dodge an attack, there is a (50/100)% chance of gaining an advantage, causing your next Combo Point generating damage attack to gain an additional Combo Point on your enemy.
Flash of Steel Flash of Steel 0/1 20 30 3 instant 15 seconds The Rogue charges towards the enemy, dealing weapon plus 41 to 44 Physical damage, and rooting the enemy for 2 seconds. This attack never misses, and cannot be parried or dodged. Removes all movement impairing effects. Awards 2 Combo Points.
Counterbalance Counterbalance 0/1 20 Reduces the exhaustion time caused by Rhythmic abilities by 10 seconds.
Vivacity Vivacity 0/2 25 instant Increases your maximum Energy by (10/20). Increases the damage of all Bladedancer abilities by (5/10)%.
Disengage Disengage 0/1 25 10 3 instant 20 seconds A deceptive attack that stuns the enemy for 4 seconds. This attack never misses, and cannot be parried or dodged. Usable after parrying or dodging an enemy's attack. Awards 1 Combo Point.
Blade Hustle Blade Hustle 0/3 25 Increases the duration of your Rhythmic abilities by (2/4/6) seconds.
Dancing Steel Dancing Steel 0/1 30 60 instant 2 minutes Executes a continuous whirlwind maneuver for 6 seconds, striking up to 10 enemies with both weapons. Each attack deals weapon plus 85 to 89 Physical damage every second. While under the effect of Dancing Steel, the Rogue is immune to all control and movement impairing effects.
Turn the Tide Turn the Tide 0/2 15 instant Whenever you parry or dodge an attack, you deal (5/10)% more damage for the next 10 seconds.

Root Advancement[]

Icon Name Points Energy Range Cast Cooldown Description
Maim Maim 14 20 3 instant Maims the enemy, dealing weapon plus 29 to 32 Physical damage. The enemy's movement speed is reduced by 50% for 10 seconds.
Disassemble Disassemble 26 20 3 instant 1 minute A melee attack that deals weapon damage and disarms the enemy for 6 seconds.
Disengage Disengage 10 3 instant 20 seconds A deceptive attack that stuns the enemy for 4 seconds. This attack never misses, and cannot be parried or dodged. Usable after parrying or dodging an enemy's attack. Awards 1 Combo Point.
Keen Strike Keen Strike 30 3 instant A swift attack that deals weapon plus 7 to 9 Physical damage. Awards 1 Combo Point.
Dauntless Strike Dauntless Strike 18 40 3 instant A Finisher that deals weapon plus Physical damage and increases the Critical Hit chance of party and raid members by 5%. Duration is increased with more Combo Points. Energy Cost is reduced with more Combo Points. Damage bonus from Attack Power is increased with more Combo Points.
  • 1 Point: 45 damage, 12 seconds
  • 2 Points: 75 damage, 24 seconds
  • 3 Points: 105 damage, 36 seconds
  • 4 Points: 120 damage, 48 seconds
  • 5 Points: 150 damage, 60 seconds
Dualism Dualism 40 25 instant 2 minutes This Rhythmic action allows the Rogue to strike twice and add an additional Combo Point with Quick Strike and Precision Strike. Lasts 15 seconds. This causes the Rogue to be exhausted for 45 seconds. This ability does not trigger global cooldown.
Flash of Steel Flash of Steel 30 3 instant 15 seconds The Rogue charges towards the enemy, dealing weapon plus 41 to 44 Physical damage, and rooting the enemy for 2 seconds. This attack never misses, and cannot be parried or dodged. Removes all movement impairing effects. Awards 2 Combo Points.
False Blade False Blade 8 40 3 instant A Finisher that deals weapon plus Physical damage and increases Dodge chance by 5%. Duration is increased with more Combo Points. Energy Cost is reduced with more Combo Points. Damage bonus from Attack Power is increased with more Combo Points.
  • 1 Point: 25 damage, 12 seconds
  • 2 Points: 43 damage, 24 seconds
  • 3 Points: 60 damage, 36 seconds
  • 4 Points: 69 damage, 48 seconds
  • 5 Points: 86 damage, 60 seconds
Sprint Sprint instant 2 minutes Performs a Rhythmic footwork that increases movement speed by 70% for 15 seconds. This causes the Rogue to be exhausted for 30 seconds.
Reprisal Reprisal 10 3 instant 6 seconds A powerful attack that deals weapon plus 23 to 26 Physical damage. This attack never misses, and cannot be parried or dodged. Usable after parrying or dodging an enemy's attack. This ability is not affected by global cooldown. Awards 1 Combo Point.
Untangle Untangle 44 instant 2 minutes Removes all control and movement impairing effects and causes the Rogue to be immune to these effects for 8 seconds. Usable only if the Rogue is under the effect of control or movement impairing effects. This ability is not affected by global cooldown.
Compound Attack Compound Attack 10 40 3 instant A Finisher that deals weapon plus Physical damage, to the enemy and up to 2 other enemies around it. The damage dealt is 85% effective on 2 enemies and 70% effective on 3 enemies. Energy Cost is reduced with more Combo Points. Damage bonus from Attack Power is increased with more Combo Points.
  • 1 Point: 37 damage
  • 2 Points: 60 damage
  • 3 Points: 85 damage
  • 4 Points: 97 damage
  • 5 Points: 122 damage
Mass Subdue Mass Subdue 38 20 instant 30 seconds An attack that causes all enemies within 7 meters to be incapacitated for 6 seconds and turns off the Rogue's Auto Attack. Any damage on the affected enemy removes the effect.
Weapon Barrage Weapon Barrage 12 10 20 instant 10 seconds Throws a weapon at the enemy, dealing weapon plus 18 to 20 Physical damage. This interrupts the enemy's spellcasting and silences the enemy for 5 seconds on a successful interrupt. This ability is not affected by global cooldown.
Twin Strike Twin Strike 4 30 3 instant The Rogue attacks the enemy with their main hand and 1 other enemy around it with their offhand. Each attack deals weapon plus 10 to 12 Physical damage. Awards 1 Combo Point.
Blade and Soul Parity Blade and Soul Parity 51 25 instant 2 minutes Through this Rhythmic action, the Rogue creates an equilibrium between their blades and their soul that lasts for 15 seconds. All abilities can now be used without Energy cost. Critical Hit chance is increased by 50%. This causes the Rogue to be exhausted for 45 seconds. This ability does not trigger global cooldown.
Precision Strike Precision Strike 16 40 3 instant 10 seconds An accurate offhand attack that deals weapon plus 66 to 71 Physical damage. This attack never misses, and cannot be parried or dodged. Usable only after a Keen Strike attack. An additional 100% damage bonus from Attack Power is applied to this attack. Awards 2 Combo Points.
Quick Strike Quick Strike 2 30 3 instant A fast offhand attack that deals weapon plus 15 to 18 Physical damage. Usable only after a Keen Strike attack. An additional 100% damage bonus from Attack Power is applied to this attack. Awards 1 Combo Point.
Combat Pose Combat Pose 6 35 instant The Rogue prepares an ally for combat, increasing Dexterity by 5 for 1 hour.
Combat Preparation Combat Preparation 20 instant The Rogue prepares all party and raid members within 35 meters for combat, increasing Dexterity by 10 for 1 hour.
Deadly Strike Deadly Strike 40 3 instant A Finisher that deals weapon plus Physical damage. Energy Cost is reduced with more Combo Points. Damage bonus from Attack Power is increased with more Combo Points.
  • 1 Point: 13 damage
  • 2 Points: 21 damage
  • 3 Points: 30 damage
  • 4 Points: 35 damage
  • 5 Points: 43 damage
Side Steps Side Steps instant 2 minutes Performs a Rhythmic action, increasing Dodge chance by 50% for 15 seconds. This causes the Rogue to be exhausted for 30 seconds.
Double Coup Double Coup 32 25 instant 2 minutes Executes a Rhythmic maneuver, causing Quick Strike or Precision Strike to increase the Critical Hit chance and damage of the next Keen Strike by 100%. Lasts 15 seconds. This causes the Rogue to be exhausted for 45 seconds. This ability does not trigger global cooldown.
Blade Tempo Blade Tempo 25 instant 2 minutes The Rogue brandishes their blades with a Rhythm, increasing Physical damage by 30% for 15 seconds. This causes the Rogue to be exhausted for 30 seconds. This ability does not trigger global cooldown.
Dancing Steel Dancing Steel 60 instant 2 minutes Executes a continuous whirlwind maneuver for 6 seconds, striking up to 10 enemies with both weapons. Each attack deals weapon plus 85 to 89 Physical damage every second. While under the effect of Dancing Steel, the Rogue is immune to all control and movement impairing effects.