Bolt of Judgment
Bolt of Judgment
Calling: Cleric
Usable by: Inquisitor
Cost: 12 Mana
Casting Time: 2 Second(s)
Range: 30 meters
Ranks: 10
Rebukes the enemy with a bolt of divine light, inflicting 20 to 22 Life damage.

Ranks Table[]

Rank Mana Cost Damage Level
1 12 20-22 -
2 17 25-28 4
3 22 34-37 8
4 28 43-46 12
5 36 57-60 18
6 45 71-74 24
7 53 86-90 30
8 62 99-103 36
9 70 111-116 42
10 79 122-126 48