
This list is for the Infiltrator abilities and traits. The Infiltrator is the PvP soul tree for the Rogue soul.

All mana, damage and healing numbers are for rank 1 of the spell only.

Branch Advancement[]

Icon Name Ranks Points Energy Range Cast Cooldown Description
Penetrating Strikes Penetrating Strikes 0/5 instant Increases Armor Penetration against players by (2/4/6/8/10)%.
Take Cover Take Cover 0/5 instant Reduces the damage taken from player AoE effects by (3/6/9/12/15)%.
Murderous Thoughts Murderous Thoughts 0/2 instant Damage against players increased by (3/6)%.
Against All Odds Against All Odds 0/5 instant Whenever you are afflicted by Stun, Root, Silence or Disarm, you take (3/6/9/12/15)% less damage from players for the next 5 seconds. Once triggered, this effect may not occur again for 15 seconds. Requires Take Cover
Sleight of Hand Sleight of Hand 0/1 10 25 instant 30 seconds Strips a single beneficial effect from the enemy. Awards 1 Combo Point. Requires Murderous Thoughts
Knock Knock Knock Knock 0/5 instant Increases Critical Hit damage against players by (2/4/6/8/10)%. Requires Penetrating Strikes
Quick Recovery Quick Recovery 0/2 instant Decreases the duration of all Stun effects received by (1/2) second. Requires Against All Odds
Grip Like Steel Grip Like Steel 0/2 instant The duration of Disarm effects are reduced by (50/100)%. Requires Quick Recovery
Pardon the Interruption Pardon the Interruption 0/2 instant Finishing Moves have a (10/20)% chance per Combo Point to interrupt spell casting. Requires Sleight of Hand
Focused Intent Focused Intent 0/3 instant Your attacks have a (10/20/30)% chance to make enemy players vulnerable to your attacks, increasing damage taken by 2% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times. Requires Murderous Thoughts
Improved Break Free Improved Break Free (Infiltrator) 0/3 instant Reduces the reuse time of Break Free by (10/20/30) seconds. Requires Quick Recovery
Brush It Off Brush It Off 0/1 instant Finishing Moves have a 20% chance per Combo Point to remove 1 curable harmful effect. Requires Grip Like Steel
Evading Thoughts Evading Thoughts 0/5 instant Finishing Moves trigger Evading Thoughts, reducing the spell damage you receive from players by (3/6/9/12/15)%. Lasts 2 seconds per combo point consumed. Requires Pardon the Interruption
Countering Strikes Countering Strikes 0/5 instant Attack Power is increased by (3/6/9/12/15)% for 15 seconds when you successfully dodge a player attack. Requires Focused Intent
Fleet of Foot (trait) Fleet of Foot (trait) 0/5 instant Increases run speed by (1/2/3/4/5)%. Requires Improved Break Free (Infiltrator)
Expedited Wounds Expedited Wounds 0/5 instant Reduces the duration of Damage Over Time spells received from players by (10/20/30/40/50)%. Requires Brush It Off
Theft of Thought Theft of Thought 0/1 25 3 instant A Finisher that deals weapon plus Physical damage and drains the enemy's Mana. Energy cost is reduced with more Combo Points. Damage bonus from Attack Power is increased with more Combo Points.
  • 1 Point: 44 damage, 150 Mana
  • 2 Points: 73 damage, 300 Mana
  • 3 Points: 103 damage, 450 Mana
  • 4 Points: 117 damage, 600 Mana
  • 5 Points: 147 damage, 750 Mana

Requires Evading Thoughts

Ambush Ambush 0/1 10 instant 5 minutes Summons 3 allies to assist the Rogue for 30 seconds. Requires Countering Strikes
Step Into the Shadows Step Into the Shadows 0/1 instant 3 minutes The Rogue disappears from sight and teleports 10 meters forward. Requires Fleet of Foot (trait)
Ignore Pain Ignore Pain 0/1 instant 5 minutes Reduces all damage received from players by 50% and increases healing received by 50%. Lasts 15 seconds. Requires Expedited Wounds

Root Abilities[]

Icon Name Points Energy Range Cast Cooldown Description
Break Free Break Free instant 2 minutes Removes all control and movement impairing effects. This ability is not affected by global cooldown.
Step into the Shadows Step into the Shadows 21 instant 3 minutes The Rogue disappears from sight and teleports 10 meters forward.
Camouflage Camouflage 20 instant 10 seconds The Rogue is hidden from enemies indefinitely. While hidden, movement speed is reduced by 30%. This ability can only be used when out of combat. Any attacks made cancel the effect.
Sleight of Hand Sleight of Hand 13 10 25 instant 30 seconds Strips a single beneficial effect from the enemy. Awards 1 Combo Point.
Theft of Thought Theft of Thought 21 25 3 instant A Finisher that deals weapon plus Physical damage and drains the enemy's Mana. Energy cost is reduced with more Combo Points. Damage bonus from Attack Power is increased with more Combo Points.
  • 1 Point: 44 damage, 150 Mana
  • 2 Points: 73 damage, 300 Mana
  • 3 Points: 103 damage, 450 Mana
  • 4 Points: 117 damage, 600 Mana
  • 5 Points: 147 damage, 750 Mana
Anathema Anathema 15 25 instant 30 seconds Reduces healing taken by the target by 50% for 30 seconds.
Cloudy Poison Cloudy Poison 5 instant The Rogue coats their weapons in Poisons, each weapon attack has a 20% chance to poison the enemy, increasing the casting time of spells by 25% for 15 seconds. Lasts 1 hour. Only 2 weapon enchantments can be applied at a time.
Ambush Ambush 21 10 instant 5 minutes Summons 3 allies to assist the Rogue for 30 seconds.
Ignore Pain Ignore Pain 50 instant 5 minutes Reduces all damage received from players by 50% and increases healing received by 50%. Lasts 15 seconds.
Cleanse Soul Cleanse Soul 10 instant 2 minutes Removes all hostile magical effects and makes the Rogue immune to these effects for 5 seconds.