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List of Marksman Abilities[1][2][]

Branch Advancement[]

Name Ranks Points Energy Range Type Cooldown Description
Keen Eye 0/5 0 None None Passive None Increases the range of your ranged weapon attacks by (1/2/3/4/5) meters.
Singled Minded Focus 0/5 0 None None Passive None Increases the damage of your Swift Shot, Hasted Shot, Empowered Shot, Deadeye Shot and Rapid Fire Shot by 3/6/9/12/15%.
Increased Fire Power 0/5 5 None Passive None Your Critical Hits with ranged weapons increases your Attack Power by (5/10/15/20/25%) for 10 seconds.
Repelling Shot 0/1 5 10 Melee Skill 30 seconds A point blank shot that deals weapon damage and knocks back the target by 15 meters. Requires Ranged Weapon. (Cooldown: 30 seconds)
Sharpshooter 0/3 5 N/A Passive N/A Increases your Hit chance with ranged weapons by 1/2/3%.
Improved Swift Shot 0/2 5 N/A N/A Passive N/A Your Swift Shot increases your movement speed by an additional 1/2%.
Hasty Departure 0/2 10 N/A N/A Passive N/A Whenever you are attacked by an enemy, your movement speed is increased by 2/4for 10 seconds. Can be applied up to 5 times.
On the Double 0/1 10 None N/A Instant 30 seconds Increases movement speed by 70% for 5 seconds.
Penetrating Shots 0/5 10 None None Passive None Your Physical attacks with ranged weapons ignore 4/8/12/16/20% of your target's armour.
Master Archer 0/5 15 Your attacks with ranged weapons have a 10% chance of recovering 4 Energy.
Improved Repelling Shot 0/2 15 None None Passive None Repelling Shot knocks back 1/2 additional enemy within 5 meters of the main target. Requires Repelling Shot Rank 1.
Getaway 0/1 15 None None Passive None Your On the Double removes Roots and Snares and makes you immune to these effects. Requires On the Double Rank 1.
Sniper Training 0/3 20 None None Passive None Reduces the enemy's chance of parrying or dodging your Marksman abilities by 1/2/3%.
Close Quarters Combat 0/1 20 None None Instant 60 seconds All ranged attacks can be used at melee range for 15 seconds. (Cooldown: 1 minute)
Killer Instinct 0/3 20 Increases the Critical Hit chance of your Empowered Shot and Deadeye Shot by 5/10/15%.
Collateral Damage 0/2 25 Your Fan Out, Lightning Fury and Crossfire affect 1 additional enemy.
Rapid Extrication 0/2 25 Reduces the cooldown of your On the Double, Hit and Run and Retreat by 15%
Crossfire 0/1 25 40 3 to 30 Channeled Fires a multitude of projects, dealing weapon plus 211 to 216 Air damage over 4 seconds to 3 enemies including the main target. Affected enemies are knocked back if they are within 10 meters. This ability allows movement while channeling. (Cooldown: 1 minute)
Strafe 0/1 30 40 2 to 30 Channeled The Rogue strafes the target, dealing weapon plus 361 to 367 Physical damage over 4 seconds. While strafing, the Rogue is immune to Stuns, Roots and Snares, and gains an additional Combo Point per second. This ability allows movement while channeling. (Cooldown: 1 minute)

Root Advancement[]

Icon Name Points Energy Range Cast Cooldown Description
File:Swift Shot.png Swift Shot 0 20 3 to 30 Instant A ranged attack that deals weapon plus to to 7 Physical damage and increases movement speed by 3% for 10 seconds. This effect stacks up to 5 times. Using any Finisher removes the effect. Awards 1 Combo Point. Requires Ranged Weapon
File:Hasted Shot.png Hasted Shot 2 25 3 to 30 Instant A ranged Finisher that deals weapon plus Physical damage and increases movement speed by 30%. Duration is increased with more Combo Points. Energy cost is reduced with more Combo Points. Damage bonus from Attack Power is increased with more Combo Points. Requires Ranged Weapon.
1 Point: 7 damage, 3 seconds
2 Points: 12 damage, 6 seconds
3 Points: 16 damage, 9 seconds
4 Points: 19 damage, 12 seconds
5 Points: 24 damage, 15 seconds
File:Empowered Shot.png Empowered Shot 4 30 3 to 30 2.0 seconds A powerful ranged attack that deals weapon plus 33 to 35 Physical damage. Awards 2 Combo Points. Requires Ranged Weapon.
File:Deadeye Shot.png Deadeye Shot 8 25 3 to 30 2.0 seconds A deadly ranged Finished that deals weapon plus Physical damage. Energy cost is reduced with more Combo Points. Damage bonus from Attack Power is increased with more Combo Points. Requires Ranged Weapon.
1 Point: 30 damage
2 Points: 49 damage
3 Points: 69 damage
4 Points: 79 damage
5 Points: 98 damage
File:Fan Out.png Fan Out 10 25 3 to 30 Instant A ranged attack that deals weapon plus 15 to 17 Air damage to 3 enemies including the main target.
Forked Lightning Forked Lightning 10 36 30 1.5 seconds Strikes the enemy and up to 4 enemies within 7 meters with bolts of lightning, dealing 17 to 20 Air damage and causing affected enemies to be Electrified. The Electrified effect stacks up to 3 times. (+9 Charge)
File:Rapid Fire Shot.png Rapid Fire Shot 12 25 30 Instant A ranged Finished that deals weapon plus Physical damage and increases ranged attack speed by 30%. Duration is increased with more Combo Points. Energy cost is reduced with more Combo Points. Damage bonus from Attack Power is increased with more Combo Points. Requires Ranged Weapon.
1 Point: 16 damage, 7 seconds
2 Points: 26 damage, 12 seconds
3 Points: 36 damage, 18 seconds
4 Points: 42 damage, 24 seconds
5 Points: 52 damage, 30 seconds
File:Hit and Run.png Hit and Run 14 0 Instant A manoeuvre that allows the execute of ranged Auto Attacks while moving, cases Empowered Shot and Deadeye Shot to become instant cast and causes Empowered Shot to have no cooldown. Lasts 15 seconds. (Cooldown: 2 minutes)
Barbed Shot Barbed Shot 16 20 3 to 30 Instant A painful ranged attack that deals weapon plus 12 to 15 Physical damage and an addition 20 Physical damage every second the enemy moves. Lasts 6 seconds. Awards 1 Combo Point. Requires Ranged Weapon.
File:Marksman's Pedestal.png Marksman's Pedestal 18 0 1.0 second Creates a pedestal at the Rogue's location for 3 minutes. The pedestal increases the Rogue's damage with ranged weapons by 10%
File:Lightning Fury.png Lightning Fury 20 25 3 to 30 2.0 seconds The Rogue fires lightning charged projects to 3 enemies including the main target, dealing weapon plus 71 to 75 Air damage. Affected enemies become vulnerable, increasing damage taken by 10% for 10 seconds. Requires Ranged Weapon. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Bull's Eye Bull's Eye 26 0 30 Instant Causes the outcome of the next Marksman's damaging ability to be a Critical hit. (Cooldown: 2 minutes)
File:Quick Reload.png Quick Reload 32 0 Instant Resets the cooldown of all Marksman abilities. (Cooldown: 3 minutes)
File:Controlled Fire.png Controlled Fire 38 0 Instant Reduces the cost of all Marksman abilities by 50% for 15 seconds. (Cooldown: 2 minutes)
File:Fire and Forget.png Fire and Forget 44 0 Instant The Rogue's ranged Auto Attacks add a Combo Point to their current enemy target for the next 15 seconds. (Cooldown: 2 minutes)
Retreat Retreat 51 0 Instant The Rogue instantly leaps back 20 meters. (Cooldown: 1 minute)


  1. Rift Beta 1, Rise of the Defiant. This information was consolidated from screen shots taken in-game.
  2. Rift Beta 3, Enter the Rift. This information was consolidated from screen shots taken in-game.