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List of Paragon Abilities[1][2][3][]

Branch Advancement[]

Icon Name Ranks Points Energy Range Type Cooldown Description
Combat Precision Combat Precision 0/5 0 Passive Abilities that do not consume Attack Points ignore 2/4/6/8/10% of the target's armor.
Teaching of the Five Rings Teaching of the Five Rings 0/5 0 Passive Increases Damage of attacks that generate Attack Points by 2/4/6/8/10%.
Wrist Strike Wrist Strike 0/1 5 10 Energy 3 Meters Instant 30.00 Seconds Follow Up Attack. Disarms for 5s.
Weapon Familiarity Weapon Familiarity 0/5 5 Passive Hitting with Swift Strike or a Follow Up attack increases your Attack Power and Weapon Damage Multiplier by 1/2/3/4/5% for 15 seconds. Does not stack with Amped.
Double Jeopardy Double Jeopardy 0/3 5 Passive After successfully hitting with Swift Strike or Thread the Trees you gain an additional 3/6/9% chance to critically hit with Follow Up attacks for 6 seconds.
Flinching Strike Flinching Strike 0/1 10 10 Energy 3 Meters Instant 8.00 sec. Interrupts.
Grace of the Five Rings Grace of the Five Rings 0/3 10 Passive Increases your chance to Parry by 1/2/3%, your Attack Power by 1/2/3%, and Weapon Contribution by 1/2/3%.
Devoted Training Devoted Training 0/5 10 Passive Increase Strength by 3/6/9/12/15%.
Flowing Strikes Flowing Strikes 0/3 15 Passive Hitting with an ability attack grants a 15/30/45% chance to increase Critical hit chance by 15% for 6 seconds.
One Two Punch One Two Punch 0/3 15 Passive Increases Base Damage of Follow Up attacks by 5/10/15%.
Fleet of Foot Fleet of Foot 0/1 15 10 Energy Instant 60.00 Seconds Increases movement speed by 50% for 15s.
Shield of Will Shield of Will 0/1 20 10 Energy Instant 30.00 Seconds Absorbs 50% of damage taken up to 950 damage. Lasts 30s. This ability is not affected by the Global Cooldown.
Run Like the Wind Run Like the Wind 0/3 20 Passive Increases the duration on Fleet of Foot by 2/4/6 seconds.
Deadly Parity Deadly Parity 0/3 20 Passive Hitting with a single target Follow Up attack grants a second strike that does 1 Physical Damage for every 5/3/1.5 Attack Power.
Improved Flowing Strikes Improved Flowing Strikes 0/2 25 Passive Increases the duration of Flowing Strikes by 2/4 seconds.
Tranquility Tranquility 0/1 25 10 Energy 20 Meters Instant 30.00 Seconds Incapacitate an enemy for 45 seconds. Can be active on 1 target at a time. Cannot be used in combat. Damage will remove this effect.
Weapon Master Weapon Master 0/2 25 Passive You gain a 50/100% chance of generating a second Attack Point when using a Follow Up attack.
Shifting Blades Shifting Blades 0/2 25 10 Energy Instant 15.00 Seconds Follow each of the next 3 single target melee ability attacks with a second strike:

1 Point: 25% of the damage of the initial attack.
2 Points: 50% of the damage of the initial attack.
3 Points:75% of the damage of the initial attack.

Swift Finesse Swift Finesse 0/2 30 Passive Increases the damage of Flurry by 5/10%.
Death Touch Death Touch 0/1 30 10 Energy 3 Meters Instant 30.00 Seconds Reduces Enemy Strength and Dexterity by 10% every second for 8s, then deals 1028 Physical damage that bypasses armor. This ability grants 1 Attack Point.
Force of Will Force of Will 0/3 30 Passive Increases Critical Hit Damage by 2/4/6%.
Feint Feint 0/1 35 10 Energy 20 Meters Instant 30.00 Seconds Reduces the Dodge, Parry, and Block rating of the target by 50% for 10 Seconds.
Analyze Weakness Analyze Weakness 0/2 35 Passive Swift Strike, Reaping Harvest, Setting Moon, and Flurry ignore 7/15% of enemy Armor.
Precise Strikes Precise Strikes 0/2 35 Passive Increases the base damage of Swift Strike, Reaping Harvest, Setting Moon, and Flurry by 7/15%.
Duality Duality 0/1 35 Passive You may have two active Way buffs.

Root Advancement[]

Icon Name Points Energy Range Cast Cooldown Description
Swift Strike Swift Strike 0 20 Energy 3 Meters Instant Deal 467 to 517 plus weapon damage. Awards 1 Attack Point.
Way of the River Way of the River 0 10 Energy Instant Increases Physical Crit by 3%. Maximum active Way buffs: 1. Lasts 1h.
File:Reaping Harvest.png Reaping Harvest 2 20 Energy 3 Meters Instant Strike for weapon plus Physical damage:

1 Point: 604 damage.
2 Points: 738 damage.
3 Points: 938 damage.

Rising Waterfall Rising Waterfall 4 20 Energy 3 Meters Instant Follow Up Attack. Deals weapon plus 595 to 658 Physical damage. This ability grants 1 Attack Point.
Turn the Blade Turn the Blade 8 10 Energy 3 Meters Instant 6.00 Seconds Deals 356 to 393 plus weapon damage. Must be used after the Warrior has been Blocked, Parried, or Dodged.
Focus of Body Focus of Body 12 10 Energy Instant Increases Strength by 10 on all party or raid members. Lasts 1h.
Thread the Trees Thread the Trees 16 9 Energy -17 Meters Instant 15.00 Seconds Charge an enemy, dealing 507 to 560 Physical damage to up to 5 enemies along the way. Roots the target enemy for 2 seconds. This ability grants 1 Attack Point.
File:Way of the Sun.png Way of the Sun 20 10 Energy Instant Follow Up attacks heal the Paragon 20% of Attack Power. Does not stack with Blade of Elemental Affinity or Recovery Posture. Maximum active Way buffs: 1. Lasts 1h.
Flurry Flurry 24 20 Energy 3 Meters Instant/Channeled 30.00 Seconds Attack hits the target multiple times for 4848 Physical damage over the next 6 seconds. Awards 1 Attack Point every 2 seconds.
File:Sweeping Blades.png Sweeping Blades 28 15 Energy Instant Single target ability attacks hit up to 4 additional enemies for 10s:

1 Point: 10% of the damage of the initial attack.
2 Points: 20% of the damage of the initial attack.
3 Points: 30% of the damage of the initial attack.

File:Final Blessing.png Final Blessing 32 20 Energy 3 Meters Instant Follow Up Attack. Deals 781 to 863 Physical damage to an enemy with under 30% health remaining. This ability grants 1 Attack Point.
Way of the Mountain Way of the Mountain 36 10 Energy Instant The Warrior cannot be knocked back and takes 5% less damage. Maximum active Way buffs: 1. Lasts 1h.
Predictable Movements Predictable Movements 40 10 Energy Instant 2 minutes Melee ability attacks made against the Warrior are reflected back against the attacker:

1 Point: 1 attack, for 3 seconds.
2 Points: 2 attacks, for 6 seconds.
3 Points: 3 attacks, for 9 seconds.

File:Setting Moon.png Setting Moon 44 20 Energy 3 Meters Instant Deal 633 to 700 Physical damage, in addition to increasing the damage of Follow Up attacks by 20% for 15s. This ability grants 1 Attack Point.
Way of the Wind Way of the Wind 48 10 Energy 3- Instant When hitting an enemy with a Follow Up attack, deals an additional 270 Air damage. Maximum active Way buffs: 1. Lasts 1h.
Strike Like Iron Strike Like Iron 51 10 Energy Instant 15.00 Seconds Increases ability damage done by an amount based on Attack Points for 15s:

1 Point: 5% damage.
2 Points: 10% damage.
3 Points: 20% damage.

File:Open the Stream.png Open the Stream 54 20 Energy 3 Meter Instant Follow Up Attack. Deals 562 to 621 Physical damage, in addition to 562 Physical damage over the next 18s. This ability grants 1 Attack Point.
File:Combat Focus.png Combat Focus 58 10 Energy Instant 30.00 Seconds Instantly adds 3 Attack Points to the Warrior, to a Maximum of 3.
File:Alacrity.png Alacrity 61 10 Energy Instant Reduces the duration of the Global Cooldown by 0.5 seconds, and reduces the Power cost of abilities by 30%. Lasts 1h.


  1. Rift Beta 1, Rise of the Defiant. This information was consolidated from screen shots taken in-game.
  2. Rift Beta 3, Enter the Rift. This information was consolidated from screen shots taken in-game.
  3. Rift Beta 6, Planar War. This information was consolidated from screen shots taken in-game.