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List of Saboteur Abilities[1][2][]

Branch Advancement[]

Icon Name Ranks Points Energy Range Type Cooldown Description
ROG sab branch nimblefingers Nimble Fingers 0/5 0 Increases your Dexterity by 3%
ROG sab branch longrgbomb Long Range Bombing 0/5 0 Increases the range you can hurl your Bombs by 2 meters and reduces the cooldown of your Bombs by 1 second.
ROG sab branch remoteclipping Remote Clipping 0/5 5 Increases the range you can attach your Charges by 2 meters.
ROG sab branch barbedtrap Barbed Trap 0/1 5 10 1 second Places a trap that causes the enemy to bleed for weapon plus 42 Physical damage over 10 seconds when triggered. Only 1 trap can be placed at a time. The trap exists for 60 seconds. All traps share a common cooldown.
ROG sab branch impblastcharge Improved Blast Charge 0/2 5 Your Blast Charge ignores 25% of your enemy's Armor when detonated.
ROG sab branch impexplpower Improved Explosive Power 0/5 10 Increases the damage of your Charges by 3%.
ROG sab branch combatsurv Combat Survival 0/2 10 Reduces the duration of all Stuns, Roots and Snares applied onto you by 25%.
ROG sab branch silentsetup Silent Setup 0/3 10 You have a 33% chance of not adding threat to the enemy when attaching Charges.
ROG sab branch entangletrap Entangling Trap 0/1 10 10 1.0 second Places a trap that roots the enemy and enemies within 3 meters for 8 seconds when triggered. Damage breaks the effect. Only 1 trap can be placed at a time. The trap exists for 60 seconds. All traps share a common cooldown.
ROG sab branch impdetonate Improved Detonate 0/5 15 Increases the damage of your Detonate by 5%.
ROG sab branch timebomb Time Bomb 0/1 15 20 15 Instant Attaches a Time Bomb onto the enemy, which explodes after 8 seconds, dealing weapon plus 51 to 54 Earth damage to the enemy and enemies around them. (Cooldown: 8 seconds)
ROG sab branch impspikecharge Improved Spike Charge 0/2 15 Increases the duration of your Spike Charge by 3 seconds.
ROG sab branch chargeboost Charge Booster 0/1 20 The magnitude of each type of Charge attached to the enemy is increased by 1.
ROG sab branch annihilbomb Annihilation Bomb 0/1 20 20 15 Instant Hurls a bomb at the enemy, dealing weapon plus 53 to 57 Earth damage to the enemy and enemies around them. Affected enemies are stunned for 2 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 seconds)
ROG sab branch barbedtrap Bomb Specialist 0/5 20 Increases the damage of your Bombs by 3%.
ROG sab branch impentangletrap Improved Entangling Trap 0/1 20 Increases the radius of the Root effect caused by your Entangling Trap by 4 meters. Requires Entangling Trap Rank 1.
ROG sab branch trapper Trapper 0/1 25 Your Traps no longer have a cooldown.
ROG sab branch demospecialist Demolition Specialist 0/2 25 You can detonate the Charges you have added on 1 other enemy within 8 meters of the main target.
ROG sab branch carpetbomb Carpet Bombing 0/1 25 Instant When activated, the next 3 Bombs do not trigger a cooldown. (Cooldown: 2 minutes)
ROG sab branch residshrapnel Residual Shrapnel 0/1 25 Your Shrapnel Charge deals an additional 50% damage over 6 seconds.
ROG sab branch landmines Land Mines 0/1 30 10 1.0 second Sets 4 Land Mines around the Rogue. Each Land Mine deals weapon plus 128 to 132 Earth damage and knocks the enemy up into the air when triggered. The Land Mines exist for 60 seconds. (Cooldown: 15 seconds)

Root Advancement[]

Icon Name Points Energy Range Cast Cooldown Description
File:Fragmentation Bomb.png Fragmentation Bomb 0 20 15 Instant Hurls a bomb at the enemy, dealing weapon plus 15 to 17 Physical damage to the enemy or enemies around them.
Adhesive Bomb Adhesive Bomb 0 20 15 Instant Hurls a bomb that causes the ground to be viscous, reducing the movement speed of enemies within the area by 70%. Lasts 8 seconds.
Blast Charge Blast Charge 2 20 15 Instant Attaches a Charge onto the enemy, dealing weapon plus 11 to 13 Physical damage per Charge when detonated. Up to 5 Charges can be attached onto the enemy. Energy is refunded if the Rogue is out of combat. Awards 1 Combo Point.
Detonate Detonate 2 25 25 Instant A Finisher that deals weapon plus Physical damage and detonates the Charges you have attached onto the enemy. Energy cost is reduced with more Combo Points. Damage bonus from Attack Power is increased with more Combo Points. This attack never misses, and cannot be parried, dodged, or blocked.
1 Point: 7 damage
2 Points: 12 damage
3 Points: 17 damage
4 Points: 19 damage
5 Points: 24 damage
File:Track Construct.png Track Construct 6 25 Instant Track Construct Monsters on the Map.
File:Spike Charge.png Spike Charge 8 20 15 Instant Attaches a Charge onto the enemy, causing the enemy to bleed for weapon plus 28 Physical damage per Charge over 9 seconds when detonated. Up to 5 Charges can be attached onto the enemy. Energy is refunded if the Rogue is out of combat. Awards 1 Combo Point.
File:Chemical Bomb.png Chemical Bomb 10 20 15 Instant Hurls a bomb that contaminates the target area, dealing weapon plus 38 Earth damage over 8 seconds to enemies within the area.
File:Shrapnel Charge.png Shrapnel Charge 12 20 15 Instant Attaches a Charge onto the enemy, dealing weapon plus 17 to 19 Physical damage per Charge to the enemy and enemies around them when detonated. Up to 5 Charges can be attached onto the enemy. Energy is refunded when the Rogue is out of combat. Awards 1 Combo Point.
File:Caltrop Charge.png Caltrop Charge 14 20 15 Instant Attaches a Charge onto the enemy, dealing weapon plus 17 to 20 Earth damage and reducing movement speed by 10% per Charge when detonated. Lasts 8 seconds. Up to 5 Charges can be attached onto the enemy. Energy is refunded when the Rogue is out of combat. Awards 1 Combo Point.
File:Debilitating Trap.png Debilitating Trap 16 10 1. second Places a trap that reduces the Attack and Spell Power of the enemy and enemies within 7 meters by 35 for 10 seconds when triggered. Only 1 trap can be placed at a time. The trap exists for 60 seconds. All traps share a common cooldown.
File:Splinter Charge.png Splinter Charge 18 20 15 Instant Attaches a Charge onto the enemy, dealing weapon plus 21 to 24 Earth damage and reducing the enemy's Armor by 4% per Charge when detonated. Up to 5 Charges can be attached onto the enemy. Energy is refunded when the Rogue is out of combat. Awards 1 Combo Point.
File:Concussion Charge.png Concussion Charge 20 20 15 Instant Attaches a Charge onto the enemy, stunning the enemy for 1 second per Charge when detonated. Up to 5 Charges can be attached onto the enemy. Energy is refunded when the Rogue is out of combat. Awards 1 Combo Point.
File:Incriminate.png Incriminate 20 25 25 Instant Transfer all threat to a specific party or raid member.
File:Embers Charge.png Embers Charge 26 20 15 Instant Attaches a Charge onto the enemy, dealing weapon plus 29 to 31 Earth damage and causing the enemy to take an additional 2% damage per Charge from all attacks when detonated. Up to 5 Charges can be attached onto the enemy. Energy is refunded when the Rogue is out of combat. Awards 1 Combo Point.
Booby Trap Booby Trap 32 10 1.0 second Places a trap that deals weapon plus 101 to 105 Physical damage to surrounding enemies when triggered. Only 1 trap can be placed at a time. The trap exists for 60 seconds. All traps share a common cooldown.
File:Choking Gas Bomb.png Choking Gas Bomb 38 20 15 Instant Hurls a bomb that suffocates enemies within the area, causing them to be silenced. Lasts 8 seconds (Cooldown: 30 seconds)
File:Last Stand.png Last Stand 44 0 Instant In a moment of desperation, the Rogue detonates all of their explosives, dealing weapon plus 363 to 369 Earth damage to the Rogue and surrounding enemies.
File:Rapid Setup.png Rapid Setup 51 0 Instant When activated, the next Charge ability attaches 5 Charges and adds 5 Combo Points to the enemy. (Cooldown: 1 minute)


  1. Rift Beta 1, Rise of the Defiant. This information was consolidated from screen shots taken in-game.
  2. Rift Beta 3, Enter the Rift. This information was consolidated from screen shots taken in-game.