
It is possible to send Tweets from within the game client.[1]

Sending Tweets[]

There are two commands for sending messages to Twitter.
If you attempt to use either of these commands and have not set up Twitter login, you will be prompted with the login box.

/tweet Message

Will send a simple text message.

/tweetpic Message

Will send a simple text message with a screenshot attached. The screenshot will be taken when the command is entered.

  • Screenshots are automatically uploaded to
  • It is possible to disable the User Interface on screenshots automatically, without the need of pressing CTRL+U.

Note: Screenshot posts do not currently work with Low Quality Renderer mode.


Access Twitter options under Settings -> Interface. In order to send tweets and post screenshots you have to specify your Twitter account information.

Disabling the UI on Screenshots[]

You can optionally disable the UI on screenshots, without the need of pressing CTRL+U before using /tweetpic.
Note: If you have the UI hidden, the achievement popup will not appear in Achievement screenshots.


By default, when sending a tweet, your character name will be put in front of your message and #rift will be put at the end of the message. It is possible to adjust these in the settings as well.


Achievement example

Auto Tweet achievements[]

By default, auto tweeting achievements is disabled. When enabled, every new achievement will be posted on Twitter.

