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List of Warlord Abilities[1][2][3][]

Branch Advancement[]

Icon Name Ranks Points Energy Range Type Cooldown Description
File:Powerful Countenance.png Powerful Countenance 0/5 0 Passive Increases Armor by 2/4/6/8/10%.
File:Intimidating.png Intimidating 0/5 0 Passive When struck in melee combat, attacker's melee damage is reduced by 1/2/3/4/5% for 6 seconds.
File:Call to Arms.png Call to Arms 0/1 5 10 Instant 15 sec. Increase the Physical damage of all raid and party members, and reduce threat they generate for 12 seconds:
1 Point: +3% Physical damage.
2 Points: +6% Physical damage.
3 Points: +9% Physical damage.
File:Enhanced Dodge.png Enhanced Dodge 0/5 5 Passive Increases Dodge chance by 1/2/3/4/5%.
File:Defensive Experience.png Defensive Experience 0/5 5 Passive Increases Block chance by 1/2/3/4/5%
File:Weapon Blow.png Weapon Blow 0/1 10 20 Melee Instant 15 sec. Strike the enemy's weapon, disarming them for 5 seconds.
File:Improved Weapon Blow.png Improved Weapon Blow 0/1 10 Passive Disarming a target reduces their Parry, Dodge and Block chance by 5%.
Requires: Weapon Blow, Rank 1
File:Dramatic Presence.png Dramatic Presence 0/5 10 Passive Increases the effects of Aspects by 10/20/30/40/50%.
File:Battlefield Domination.png Battlefield Domination 0/3 10 Passive Distraction ranges are increased to 9/?/? meters.
File:That Which Doesn't Kill Me.png That Which Doesn't Kill Me 0/5 15 Passive After being the victim of a critical hit, you heal 5% of the damage done.
File:Call to Focus Fire.png Call to Focus Fire 0/1 15 10 Instant 15 sec. The Warrior's battle cry increases the spell damage of all raid and party members, and reduces threat they generate for 12 seconds:
1 Point: +3% spell damage.
2 Point: +6% spell damage.
3 Points: +9% spell damage.
File:Imposing.png Imposing 0/1 15 10 Instant 15 sec. Active Distractions cause melee attacks made by the Warrior to generate additional threat, in addition to incoming attacks generating threat against the attacker. Lasts 1 hour.
File:Figurehead.png Figurehead 0/3 20 Passive Increase healing taken by 5/10/15%.
File:No Permission to Die.png No Permission to Die 0/1 20 10 20 m Instant 3 min. When a blow would kill the targeted raid member, they are instead healed to 50% of their maximum health. Can only be active on one ally at a time. Lasts 30 seconds.
File:Commanding Presence.png Commanding Presence 0/2 20 Passive Increases duration of all Order and Call spells by 5/10 seconds.
File:Untenable Position.png Untenable Position 0/2 25 Passive Any target hit by Pin Target, Locked Down, and Killing Field has their chance to hit reduced by 15/30% for 6 seconds.
File:Rapid Recovery.png Rapid Recovery 0/3 25 Passive Increases health regeneration rate by 40/?/?%.
Requires: No Permission to Die, Rank 1
File:Call to Aid.png Call to Aid 0/1 25 10 Instant 15 sec. Increase the healing ability of all raid and party members, and reduce threat they generate for 12 seconds:
1 Point: +3% healing
2 Points: +6% healing
3 Points: +9% healing
File:Rallying Call.png Rallying Call 0/1 30 10 Instant 2 min. Increase the health and resistances of all raid and party members for 15 seconds. Affected allies heal the amount [sic] their health increased over 15 seconds:
1 Point: +10% health and +15 resists.
2 Points: +25% health and +30 resists.
3 Points: +50% health and +45 resists.

Root Advancement[]

Icon Name Points Energy Range Cast Cooldown Description
Battlefield Distraction Battlefield Distraction 0 10 Instant 30 sec. Distract nearby enemies in combat reducing their chance to hit by 5%.
File:Leader's Mark.png Leader's Mark 0 20 Melee Instant A controlled melee attack that deals weapon plus 7 to 8 Physical damage, in addition to increasing the damage of melee attacks done to this target by 5% for 15 seconds. Generates additional threat. This ability grants 1 Attack Point.
Requires: Melee Weapon
Spotter's Order Spotter's Order 2 10 20 m Instant Calls out the weak points on the target, increasing the damage they take from all attacks for 6 seconds:
1 Point: +2 damage; +1 damage over time effects.
2 Points: +3 damage, +2 to damage over time effects.
3 Points: +5 damage, +3 to damage over time effects.
Requires: Melee Weapon
File:Empowering Strike.png Empowering Strike 4 20 Melee Instant The Warrior strikes at their target to gain better position, dealing 8 to 10 Physical damage in addition to buffing their own armor by 63 for 15 seconds. This ability grants 1 Attack Point.
Requires: Melee Weapon
Aspect of the Fallen Hero Aspect of the Fallen Hero 8 50 Instant 15 sec. Take on the Aspect of the Fallen Hero, granting all party members a bonus of 5 to Endurance.
File:Sergeant's Command.png Sergeant's Command 10 10 20 m Instant 8 sec. Challenge the target, drawing them in and forcing them to attack the warrior for 3 seconds.
File:Pin Target.png Pin Target 12 20 Melee Instant 20 sec. Press the attack, dealing weapon plus 25 to 27 Physical damage, and rooting the target in place for up to 8 seconds. Generates additional threat. This ability grants 1 Attack Point.
File:Cracking Skulls.png Cracking Skulls 14 25 Instant 1 min. Quick attack that deals weapon plus 9 to 10 Physical damage to all nearby enemies. Affected enemies are forced to attack the Warrior for 3 seconds.
File:Commander's Order.png Commander's Order 16 10 20 m Instant Enhance the damage or healing of the ally's next ability, and reduces threat they generate for 15 seconds:
1 Point: +5% damage or healing.
2 Points: +10 damage or healing.
3 Points: +15% damage or healing.
Aspect of the Elements Aspect of the Elements 18 50 Instant 15 sec. Take on the Aspect of the Elements, granting all party or raid members a bonus of 50 to Fire, Earth, Air, and Water resists.
File:Cutting Distraction.png Cutting Distraction 20 10 Instant 30 sec. Get in the way of nearby enemies, causing them to take 5% extra damage from melee attacks.
File:Promise of Steel.png Promise of Steel 26 25 Melee Instant 10 sec. Lash out at all enemies in front of the Warrior, dealing weapon plus 55 to 59 Physical damage. Generates additional threat. This ability grants 1 Attack Point.
File:Locked Down.png Locked Down 32 35 Instant 30 sec. The Warrior deals weapon plus Physical damage to all enemies in range, their presence and tactics force those affected to be rooted in place for up to 8 seconds:
1 Point: 100% of Weapon plus 41 damage.
2 Points: 120% of Weapon plus 41 damage.
3 Points: 140% of Weapon plus 41 damage.
File:Aspect of the Rifts.png Aspect of the Rifts 38 50 Instant 15 sec. Take on the Aspect of the Rifts, reducing Magic damage done to party members by 10%. Lasts 1 hour.
File:Planar Distraction.png Planar Distraction 44 10 Instant Get in the way of nearby enemies, causing their casting time to increase by 20%.
File:Killing Field.png Killing Field 51 35 Instant 1 min. Strike each nearby enemy for weapon plus Physical damage every 2 seconds for the next 12 seconds. Generates additional threat:
1 Point: 100% of weapon plus 118 damage.
2 Points: 100% of weapon plus 206 damage.
3 Points: 100% of weapon plus 294 damage.
Requires: Melee Weapon


  1. Rift Beta 1, Rise of the Defiant. This information was consolidated from screen shots taken in-game.
  2. Rift Beta 3, Enter the Rift. This information was consolidated from screen shots taken in-game.
  3. Rift Beta 5 Patch Notes.